Spring is in the air! You might have updated your wardrobe with bold colors and vibrant hues, now it’s time to think about your lovely pooch. A leading retailer of pet supplies, Petco is featuring some stylish Spring apparels for pets. Get set to dress up your pet in fashionable and colorful attires that also without putting stain on wallet. Petco is running a Super Savings Sale, under which you can enjoy amazing discount of up to 46% plus Free Shipping on $49 or more. No code required to redeem this discount. Savings will automatically be added up in your account. But keep in mind that this Super Savings Sale is valid till tomorrow, i.e. 02/09.
Store is also offering additional savings to make your pet shopping savvier. Enjoy $10 off $100 or more. To reflect these savings in your account, make use of Petco coupon code at checkout till 02/24. Take full advantage of these discount offers and make your furry friend look cute and adorable. Meanwhile check out the apparels shown in the image below:
Petco Pup Crew Red Argyle Dog Polo Shirt:
This Petco Pup Crew Red Argyle Dog Polo Shirt is a cute and sporty four-legged rendition of your own favorite polo shirt. Perfect for stylish dogs who respond to clean, classic looks yet insist on utmost comfort. The details really make this dog polo shirt stand out. From the mini back pocket adorned with an argyle design to the faux buttons hiding a hook-and-loop placket for quick and easy dressing. Soft, smooth jersey knit is made of lightweight cotton with a little spandex for comfort and impeccable fit. Gray Sleeves, navy collar and banded short sleeves offer an authentic look. “Pup Crew” on the sleeve is embroidered with white stitching to complete the look.
Petco Pup Crew Blue Anchor Print Seersucker Dog Dress:
Petco Pup Crew Blue Anchor Print Seersucker Dog Dress is made of cool, light weight cotton. The perfect look for a seafaring adventure, this stylish drop-waisted dress of light blue and white stripes is embellished with navy blue embroidered anchors, a navy bow and navy waistband. Front hook-and-loop closure makes this outfit easy and effortless to get on and off your pup but has the look of a complete outfit. Gathered, elastic straps offer comfort and allow movement while maintaining fit.
Petco Wag-a-tude Major League Stud Dog Tank:
Petco Wag-a-tude Major League Stud Dog Tank is one out of the park. Screen printing, an orange “Stud” patch and metallic finish stars give your most valuable player a winning look. Comfortable cotton with a touch of spandex for a little stretch make this sporty tank a must have for spring and summer outings. Raglan sleeves in ribbed knit offer extra soft comfort around the arms
Show your love and appreciation towards your furry darling by visiting Petco.com. In Petco spring apparels your pooch will look smart and dashing all season long. Here you can also look for dog and cat food, treats, grooming supplies, aquariums and many other things. Do check other pet supplies available at DealRocker.com.